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Tucked and hidden away high up a winding mountain road amid a small open patch in the forest. The Holland Cemetery, also known as the Holland Mountain Cemetery which is mixed with old broken, buried and fallen headstones peppered with newer headstones that are in pristine condition.
The day I visited this cemetery, the weather was frigid cold with sub-zero temperatures enhanced by gusting winds that made it that much less tolerable. Not an impressive looking cemetery, but still decided to take a few photographs. Trying to take photographs with no gloves on made my hands numb within a few short minutes, making me ask myself: "What in God's name was I thinking venturing here?!" Just the same, I was delighted to capture the oddity of what I witnessed.
What intrigued me the most was the perfect line right down the center of the cemetery… As you can plainly see, one half of the cemetery is completely covered with snow while the other half has nothing. My first guess is that Mother Nature has directed the sun on one half as the other side is covered in shade all day. This is only a speculation. Maybe, just maybe it's an act from somewhere beyond! I didn't ponder too much about it… I just wanted to get back into the pickup and get warm!
A Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) Civil War Veteran from the Union Army
A Spider takes residence and builds a cozy abode on an Angel's neck
Cracked, withered and fallen apart and pieced back together again. A sunken headstone that has broken in several pieces has been attempted to be put together with little hope of restoring it as when it was placed. Maybe Vandals, maybe harsh weather eroding the sandstone over the many years taking it's toll of delimitation. As sad and unfortunate as it may be, I always find beauty in distress which ultimately draws me to photograph!
Saddens me to see this old Child's headstone with a headless Lamb
Modern headstone with a beautifully etched portrait